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Obesity is an enormous problem in the United States. In an attempt to help consumers make better eating choices when dining out, the United States Government has enacted a standard for menu...
Building a restaurant menu is both exciting and terrifying. It is your chance to show your creativity and culinary prowess, but a few missteps could set your restaurant back years or, even...
Traditionally, restaurants are known to have low-profit margins. As the cost to do business rises, so does the need to pass some of that cost along to your customers. Unfortunately, knowing when...
Just mentioning the idea of raising menu prices is a simple way to incite fear and anxiety into even the most experienced restaurant operators. Raising prices doesn’t need to be a scary...
The general public can be a fickle, sensitive, and at times infuriating group of people. After two decades in the business, I have learned to love them, in spite of their fussy ways and often bizarre...
3 Easy Ways to GUARANTEE You Pick the Perfect Restaurant Name
If you read our article on coming up with restaurant name ideas, then you probably were left with a list of quite a few potential names. Now comes the part where you take that list and whittle it...